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New on the Dermal Fillers Front - Esthelis!

Esthelis is a dermal filler that addresses the fine lines of the face by smoothing out all types of wrinkles.  It can correct sunken scars and enhance lip contours. Some of the benefits of using Esthelis are:

  • Cross-linked Hyaluronic acid provides long-lasting results
  • Excellent for superficial to mid-dermis injections
  • Natural results
  • Fully bio-degradable
  • Highly safe and minimal risk of side effects
  • Use of less product for desired result
  • Long-lasting

Esthelis has a remarkable safety record, with not a single hypersensitivity reaction recorded nor any granulomas observed since its launch in 2005.

Those undergoing treatment using Esthelis comment on the immediate and natural lifting effect.  Wrinkles simply disappear.  This product is generally re-absorbed by the skin after 9-12 months.

Esthelis offers treatment for:

  • Crow’s feet
  • Naso-labial folds
  • Glabellar lines
  • Facial wrinkles
  • Lip lines
  • Forehead wrinkles
  • Certain depressions on the skin due to injury or scarring

For more on this cross-linked hyaluronic acid filler call us at the Okanagan Skin Care Centre 1-250-868-9290.

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Donna McAteer

Donna McAteer

Donna is the general manager and has been with the Okana­gan Skin Care Cen­tre for over 14 years. She is a certified Es­theti­cian and previous business owner with over 20 years enjoying the skin care industry. Her passion for knowledge, integral client care and maintaining a syn­er­gis­tic team that represents professional excellence in skin care remains her focus.

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Thank you Kimberly so much for answering all my questions, and being so helpful! You put me at ease, and I am so happy with the results! So happy! You read me so well, and understand exactly what I am looking to achieve. Today with no makeup, the results seem even better than they did yesterday!


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