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Do you have areas of stubborn fat on your abdomen or lower back that you can’t get rid of? SculpSure™ may be the answer you are looking for. 

Okanagan Skin Care Centre, Kelowna’s leading skin care clinic in advanced body contouring treatments now offers SculpSure™, a non-invasive fat removal system to help you look and feel your very best.

What Is SculpSure™?

SculpSure™ is an FDA-approved laser treatment for the removal of stubborn fat in areas such as the abdomen, the flanks, and under the chin.

This non-surgical liposuction treatment uses an advanced light-based technology to heat up the fat cells beneath the skin, releasing them from your tissues.

Additionally, the heat from the SculpSure™ skin treatments encourages the production of collagen and elastin, promoting healthy and youthful tissue growth. This not only leaves your treated area thinner but more beautiful as well.

As with most other body contouring methods, the ultimate goal of SculpSure™ is to destroy the fat cells so that they can no longer grow or be repaired.

Why Choose SculpSure™?

SculpSure™ is ideal for patients with stubborn areas of fat, particularly those which are resistant to diet and exercise.

It is a safe and effective body contouring alternative to more invasive plastic surgery methods such as liposuction and has many proven benefits including:

  • FDA approved
  • Completely non-invasive and non-surgical
  • No anesthesia required
  • Two to four treatments needed
  • Short treatment time (25 minutes)
  • No downtime
  • Highly effective treatment (24% reduction in fat volume)
  • Results in as early as 6 weeks
  • No damage to the surrounding tissue

View SculpSure™ before & after photos

Am I A Good Candidate For SculpSure™?

As with other fat removal procedures such as liposuction, SculpSure™ is not meant to be a weight loss program.

SculpSure™ gives the best results to patients who:

  • Live a healthy lifestyle
  • Struggle with localized pockets of fat on their abdomen, love handles or other areas
  • Have attempted fat loss through a healthy diet and a healthy exercise regime
  • Have a body mass index (BMI) of under 30

Contact Us

To find out more about this non-surgical liposuction treatment, contact our Kelowna skin care clinic today at 250.868.9290 or book your consultation today!

SculpSure FAQ

What should I expect from the SculpSure Treatment?

SculpSure delivers laser light through the skin to heat up and damage fat cells, while simultaneously cooling the skin. During this fat removal treatment, up to four separate applicators are held against the treatment area with straps.

Is the SculpSure Treatment Painful?

No. You may experience a slight tingling sensation throughout the treatment but this is generally well-tolerated by most patients.

What is the difference between SculpSure and CoolSculpting?

SculpSure utilizes heat to destroy your fat cells, allowing them to be released naturally by your body. CoolSculpting on the other hand, freezes the fatty tissues. While one CoolSculpting treatment can take up to 60 minutes and treat only a single area at a time, SculpSure treatments take only 25 minutes and can treat up to 4 areas simultaneously.

How many treatments will I need?

Most patients see amazing fat removal results with just one treatment. However, based on your aesthetic goals, you may require additional treatments. Our specialists can help develop the best treatment plan for you.

When will I see the results of the treatment?

Your body will begin to release the damaged fat cells within 6-12 weeks of your SculpSure treatment.

How long will the results last?

The results of SculpSure are permanent. The treated fat cells are destroyed permanently and will not regenerate.

What is the recovery period for SculpSure?

There is no downtime associated with this non-surgical liposuction treatment. You will be able to resume your normal activities immediately.


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