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Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) can be an embarrassing and frustrating condition and can have a significant negative impact on the quality of your life. Until recently, hyperhidrosis was difficult to control but at Okanagan Skin Care centre, we offer our patients BOTOX® therapies as a long-lasting and effective treatment option for excessive sweating.

BOTOX® targets sweating at its source and blocks the nerve signals in the specific glands responsible for the hyperhidrosis. Our skin care specialists will be able to develop a specific hyperhidrosis treatment tailored to your particular concerns and goals so that you can go back to living happily and confidently!

BOTOX® injections can be used to treat hyperhidrosis in several areas of your body including:
  • Face
  • Armpits
  • Hands
  • Feet

To treat the symptoms of excessive sweating in these areas, BOTOX® is injected directly into the glands responsible for the uncontrolled perspiration. By blocking the signals from the brain to these glands, BOTOX® prevents hyperhidrosis but still allows for healthy sweating elsewhere on the body.

Duration: Depending on the location and size of the affected area, approximately 15-20 BOTOX® injections are administered just under the surface of your skin. The procedure typically takes 20 minutes.

Number of treatments: The effect of BOTOX® in controlling hyperhidrosis is not permanent though the results are effective, lasting from 6-8 months after the initial treatment. The results from repeat treatments usually last longer and you may not need another BOTOX® injection for up to 18 months.

At Okanagan Skin Care Centre, we want our patients to enjoy a high quality of life and to feel comfortable in their own skin. That is why our team of highly trained skin experts can work with your specific concerns and goals and develop a hyperhidrosis treatment that will give you long-lasting, successful results.

If you suffer from uncontrolled, excessive sweating, find out how BOTOX® injections can help by calling one of our Registered Nurses Skincare Specialists at 250.868.9290 or book your consultation today!

Hyperhidrosis FAQ

Is hyperhidrosis treatment painful?

Our highly trained skin specialists use fine-gauge needles to administer the BOTOX® and while you may feel a slight pinch when the injection is inserted into your skin, there is no pain once it is withdrawn.

How does hyperhidrosis treatment work?

To prevent excessive perspiration, 15-20 BOTOX® injections are administered to the affected area, directly into the glands responsible for the uncontrolled sweating.  By blocking the nerve signals from the brain to these specific glands, BOTOX® prevents hyperhidrosis but allows for normal sweating in other parts of your body.

What can I do to prepare for hyperhidrosis treatment?

There are no special pre-treatment preparations needed before a hyperhidrosis treatment.

What can I expect after my hyperhidrosis treatment?

Hyperhidrosis treatment requires no recovery time and you can immediatley return to your normal activities. Most of our patients experience the benefits of BOTOX® injections within the 1st week of treatment and report an improvement in their confidence and quality of life, with the freedom to wear whatever they want.


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