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IPL Photorejuvenation

Aging comes with visible effects and while these cannot be fully avoided, they can be drastically minimized using intense pulsed light (IPL) photorejuvenation treatment. This age-defying, laser skin treatment is non-invasive and gentle, addressing your skin concerns with no disruption to the upper skin surface, low risk of complications and absolutely no downtime. 

Ideal For:
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Enlarged pores
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Age spots
  • Sun damage
  • Unsightly veins
  • Acne scars
  • Certain symptoms of rosacea

At Okanagan Skin Care Centre, we are able to customize your IPL laser skin treatment to suit your skin type, particular concerns and lifestyle, ensuring impressive results that will refresh your complexion and boost your confidence.

Our team of highly trained, specialized Registered Nurses have a tremendous amount of experience with state of the art photofacial procedures such as IPL laser skin treatment. This photorejuvenation therapy uses a computer guided lamp which sends light pulses of varying strength to target and heal specific areas of your skin. Our skin specialists are extremely careful to control the density, depth and duration of the light pulse to ensure that your skin’s outer layer remains unharmed.

  • Quick, gentle and efficient
  • Little or no discomfort
  • Long lasting results
  • Gradual, natural looking improvement in your appearance
  • Treats your entire face, not only small spots
  • Can address skin conditions which are extremely visible, making you feel more comfortable in your own skin.

Duration: Depending on the size of the treatment area, one photofacial treatment will take approximately 30-90 minutes.

Number of treatments: While you will be able to detect some improvement after just one laser skin treatment, a full series of 3-5 treatments, each 1 month apart, will allow you to enjoy astounding, long lasting results.

Results: There is no recovery period necessary for IPL laser treatments although you may experience some redness in the treated areas for at least 24 hours. Most of our patients notice a visible clearing of their skin with just one treatment.

At Okanagan Skin Care Centre, our primary mission is to allow your youth and vitality to shine through, making you feel beautiful both on the inside and outside. After an initial consultation, we will develop a tailored laser skin treatment for you that will address all your skin care needs gently and effectively, giving you the most natural, impressive results possible.

To book your consultation today with one of our skin care specialists or to learn about how IPL photorejuvenation treatment can help you, call our clinic at 250.868.9290 or book your consultation today!

Intense Pulsed Light FAQ

How does IPL photofacial treatment work?

At the beginning of your treatment, will will provide you with special goggles to protect your eyes. A cool gel is then placed on the treatment area before one of our specialists places the handpiece gently to your skin and directs a pulse of light towards the targeted area of skin. When this happens, you may feel a very slight sting, like the snapping of a small rubber band.

Is this photofacial treatment painful?

There may be some initial, mild discomfort during your first treatment but most of our patients are able to tolerate this pain very easily. The first photofacial therapy session is usually the most uncomfortable but as your skin begins to clear and adapt, the treatments become less painful and more comfortable.

How can I prepare for my IPL treatment?

  • Prior to coming in for an IPL photofacial treatment, your skin must not be tanned as this can produce a white ‘striping’ which takes several months to fade.
  • Before booking a treatment, it is important to speak to one of our skin care specialists if you are taking medications such as Retin-A, Reversa and other toners as you may need to stop using them a week before your procedure.
  • If possible, come to your appointment without any makeup.

What can I expect after my IPL photofacial treatment?

After your photofacial treatment, you may experience some redness and occasionally, mild blistering and bruising of the treated area which can last anywhere from a few hours to several days. Depending on the sensitivity of your skin and the severity of the problem being treated, the area might crust or flake. However, most of our patients are completely healed within one week.


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